Debunking that one Carrd
(The Carrd in question)
Proshippers do not believe these things cannot be criticized, we do not believe they should be censored. Ripping a definition from someone who is admittedly an anti and openly conflates "MAPS" with proshippers is biased.
I'm sorry, but the term "fancop" or "fanpol" have nothing to do with real life police. It is a turn of phrase to desribe someone policing someone else, which is what antis regularly do. Nothing to do with race, or politics, or police.
No one has ever said proshippers aren't capable of harassment. Again, the difference is that proshippers are anti-harassment and will call this behavior out, as it is explicitly not accepted in the community, while, over on the flip-side, antis support harassment.If all antis were doing was saying "x is a proshipper, please block them if you don't want to see their content", we'd have no issue. Please block us if you feel uncomfortable with us. The reality is that you guys don't do that. Writing callout posts calling us pedophiles is encouraging harassment, because you know people are going to react negatively to it.Proshippers are just as capable of spreading hate as the average person, but we do not center ourselves/our blogs/our pages AROUND it, unlike antis.Some of us choose to hide the fact we're proship because we'd be socially ostracized otherwise. Either antis are mad we're so open about it, or that we hide it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
This is the only good point here. The issue, however, is that antis see anyone that likes "degenerate" fiction as pedophiles and potential predators.
(The disclaimer reads: Adding a disclaimer here before people put words in my mouth. Please use discretion before reporting someone. I personally am not encouraging people to mass report """""innocent""""" shippers and I am not responsible for anything that happens.)
This is such a flimsy defense, especially when you take into account the fact you genuinely believe proshippers to be predators. Would you not want these people to face justice if you believe they're doing something wrong? Going further down that road, you would have to admit either you don't think they're comparable, or that you don't believe predators should be reported to police.
Multiple things wrong with this one; comparing pedophilia to being proship is comparing apples to a chair, TERFS are not just transphobic towards trans women, and no real minors are being sexualized.To dissect it, though.....
The reason we say they use the same rhetoric as TERFS is because they do. "Proshippers groom children into being proship!", "'Ship what you want but don't post it online!", "You're a pedophile for shipping that!", "It's gross and encourages bad behavior!", not to mention the way antis call everyone a degenerate.These are all things TERFS have said about trans people, gay men, people that like BDSM. Switch 'proshippers' to 'trans people', and you've got TERF rhetoric. It's not just TERF rhetoric, though, it's also conservative rhetoric.
Propaganda is not and will never be comparable to random fiction someone decides to write. Propaganda works because it pretends to be fiction, whilst fiction does not need to pretend.Again, comparing someone writing a fanfic with rape in it is NOT AT ALL similar to fiction depicting other races as animals or referring to them as slurs.The problem with the last paragraph is that yes, someone could perpetuate those stereotypes onto people in real life, however, the likelyhood of them not already having those thoughts and having them just confirmed through fiction is very low. If someone chooses to treat others as lesser because they saw a depiction of it on TV, they were probably just looking for justification or an excuse to do so (which antis provide openly and willingly).
If you're talking about Twitter, or Tumblr, those sites work off of an algorithm, which means, most likely, you're interacting with proship content, at which point blocking will never do you any good. Even still, that is not a good excuse to harass people.If you're THAT sensitive to seeing anything even proship-adjacent, I would strongly recommend just getting offline, because you're never going to be comfortable.
When talking about for coping purposes, therapists actually encourage you to post it online as long as you're comfortable with that. It's good for everyone to find community, somewhere they belong, and for some people, they can find community in people that they relate to, or with those have been hurt and have similar coping mechanisms.A "fictional minor" isn't actually a minor. It doesn't even resemble a real minor. Hell, usually it's just a character with a random age assigned to them for the story's sake.Would you call a lesbian who finds male characters attractive a straight woman? Would you call someone that's attracted to fictional murderers a hybristophile? If not, then you would know why people that are attracted to fictional underage characters are not pedophiles.Again, the problem, and the reason CSEM/CSAM is illegal, is that there is real harm done. A child is hurt in one way or another. Drawings, writings, sculptures, and every other form of art does not hurt anyone. Use your brain and stop comparing real, living, breathing victims to words on a screen or lines on paper.
This type of claim doesn't require any "proof", because when we say those things, we don't literally think there is a anti cult, where you guys live on a compound and drink Kool-Aid. We say it because you operate in a hivemind-like way, and when anyone dares to descent, you oust them and call them pedophiles, predators, and groomers. You make callouts, "no one should associate with this person anymore" is a very common sentiment towards anti-antis.You don't feel unsafe, or feel that you could never escape anti circles because your views still align with theirs. But say you liked an age-gap ship, or a drawing of a little-bit-too-young anime girl? Would your tune change?
"Avoiding Pro-Shippers"
This section's incredibly petty, I'm sorry, but there's not much here in the way of facts, so. I made do.
These are barely words to look out for, and you immediately assuming the worst about the people that say these things says more about you than it does them.
Purity culture applies to a lot of antis, and what they stand for. I'm sorry to break it to you, but part of purity culture is banning anything that is considered "impure".
You can try to re-frame it all you want, but at the center of it all, antis do harass people over fiction. That's the thing at the center of it all.
Correct. Ship what you want, because fandom is supposed to be fun, and life's too short to worry about policing it. I don't see what's wrong with that.
Again, I don't see what's wrong with this. Shipping isn't activism. They have nothing to do with one another. At this point, these aren't "dogwhistles", they're just objectively correct statements that you've spun to sound bad.
Again, how is saying "worry about real children, and not the fictional ones" bad? How is saying "it's not real, and doesn't hurt anyone" a red flag? Why are you more focused on a fictional child than a real one?
No sh*t watch out for "problematic content" in bio, not because it's a red flag or a dogwhistle, but because they gave you a warning and you should heed it.
I would agree, IF, and only if, they're talking about real minors. But the problem is, the way antis frame things, it's almost always about fictional characters (which is totally legal to create porn of).
Again, harassment isn't activism, and not the way you should go about you're activism. If you truly believe that proshippers are bad, do it in a way you don't actively harm them.
If you can't take the heat, block us. Simple as. You don't need a whole Carrd to explain how to use it, I don't think.
Personal anecdote, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone besides antis call anyone degenerates. If we ever do refer to ourselves as that, it's in a joking manner, and we're not serious.
You forgot a few! Let me add the rest, for the sake of it, and also include the anti emoji combos!
Proship - 🍖🌈,🍋🌈,🍓🍰,🥀🕊️
Comship - 🌸🌙,🕊️🍋,🕊️⚠️
Darkship - 🎱🎀,🥨🕯️
Lolicon - 🐰🎀
Shotacon - 🍯🧸
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat - 🕊️⚰️
Ex-Anti - 🧩🥀
Antis DNI - 🐜🚫
Anti - 🐜🍵, 🎈✂️
This one's gonna be long, so I'm gonna break it up into sections.
General impacts of fiction
Going over the first two links first.
The first link just links to another article, which itself links to another study, and to that, I will simply link to a reanaylsis of that one, and suggest you to click the "Cited By" button underneath "Get Access" to see even more responses directly to the OG study.
The second link is about the short-term effects of reading aggression in literature. I can't read past the abstract without paying, however the PSMag article highlights "The study does not show that reading a fictional account of an aggressive action increases belligerent behavior, but it suggests exposure to such literature has a psychological impact on readers, affecting the way they respond to provocations." So, in essence, all the study is saying is that violent literature will not increase violent behaviour, but that you may get ideas from it. The violence was already there, the literature was just the vehicle.
This opinion piece is hinged largely on two different studies (here and here).
The first is just a study about how reading certain words (garlic, cinnamon, jasmine) elicits a response in the brain due to the associated smell, whereas "neutral" words don't, and why that is.
The second is a study going into how fiction may have a positive effect on one's empathy.I'm a bit at a loss with this one, because it's not saying anything negative (or positive, for that matter) about fiction and it's impact on the brain, or the lack thereof. It just sounds like they're pointing out the obvious (different parts of your brain "light up" and react to different kinds of words).I think the person that made the other Carrd read the sentence " it treats the interactions among fictional characters as something like real-life social encounters" and took that to mean that people can't tell the difference, but if I read both the opinion piece and the studies correctly, then the person that wrote the opinion piece was just referring to the fact that, whilst reading a book, because we have real-life experiences, we can relate fictional stories to real stories, and not that we see fictional characters as real. It also goes on to state that fiction is often used as a way to help navigate the real world, which is also true, but ultimately has nothing to do with what antis think fiction does to the brain.
Again, an opinion piece.
This one mostly goes over what the one above did (fiction increases empathy, is morally beneficial, etc.), but it does bring up something new I don't think I've seen before.
The Birth of a Nation is a 1915 silent film, which was highly controversial even at the time for it's racist depictions of African Americans, and is credited for the rebirth of the KKK. However, that is once again not an example of fiction affecting reality, because the KKK existed before, and racist sentiments existed long before the movie came out. It, like Jaws, just reaffirmed peoples thoughts in their own minds, rather than stirred up any new thoughts in anyone (on the whole, anyway).
The only other fault here is the conclusions they came to about the survey they did, in which they asked people to read a story, and then asked their feelings about a characters success, failure, etc. The conclusion that was made was that because the survey-takers felt happy when the good guys succeeded, or angry when they were threatened, and had negative opinions about the antagonists, that they were treating them as though they were real people, which is just not how that works. The brain can clearly define the difference, and just because we may have empathy for characters, does not mean they become real to us.
Same as above.
This one brings up a novel titled Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which focuses on Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave. While the story is generally considered fiction (Uncle Tom is not real), it does use real life stories and examples of slavery, particularly Josiah Henson's, and Phebe Ann Jacobs', experiences. I would argue that, because the book was not entirely fiction, and was HEAVILY based on real stories, in addition to Stowe being an abolitionist, and her various works regarding the topic, that that's what caused the book to really have an effect on people.It also mentions 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell, both of which are modeled after Stalinism, the Soviet Union, Nazism (1984), and the Russian Revolution of 1917 (Animal Farm). Again, they're not really fiction, as much as they are an exaggeration of the political climate of the time. It had/has an effect on people due to it's closeness to reality, but even then, no one's pretending to be an animal and rebelling against farmers, or advocating for mass surveillance (based solely on reading it in the book, anyway).
Negative Impacts of Fiction
To kick this off, I would like to preface by saying that having mental illnesses does not make you a bad person, or a killer, or anything like that. Mental illnesses, however, have the ability to inhibit your way of thinking, and certain media can affect someone who is severely mentally ill.
Another blanket statement, but generally, to kill anyone, there is always a degree of mental illness, or a need for fame/money. The typical person would not be able to kill someone, and certainly would not try to replicate what they see on TV.
In addition to all that, consider how much it lessens the impact of these crimes by saying "well, they saw it on TV!" You're almost taking away culpability from these people, and putting it all on the TV shows/movies/books they obsess over.
Thierry Jaradin - There is no criminal record, or history of psychological issues, but as stated above, with copycat killers, they want the fame. (1)
Kyle Shaw - He might've gotten some ideas from Fight Club, but someone without something severely off about them won't commit arson, bomb buildings, or start fight clubs in their school. (1)
Not a lot of info on this one, but to sum it up, two girls prank called a 52 year old woman, and it caused her to have a stroke. It is only very loosely connected to Saw, because the girls did the voice over the phone, talking about toxic gas. (1)
Again, very minimal info, but I would argue it's not Twilight's fault your kid bit another kid. Maybe turn off the TV, don't let him watch adult movies, and teach your 13 year old not to bite people. (1)
Michael Hernandez - He was a 14 year old with unsupervised internet access, an obsession with real-life serial killers, and had access to weapons. Again, a lack of parenting was at fault, not the media. (1)
Andrew Conley - He said he'd been fantasizing about killing people since eighth grade, and that he heard voices. Three experts examined him and said he was severely mentally ill, and a fourth who didn't interview him believed he showed signs of being a psychopath. (1)
Sarah Edmondson and Benjamin Darras - They were not only copycat killers, and known by the cops, AND did drugs, but they were on LSD and watched the movie repeatedly before their murder spree to hype themselves up. They did it for the attention, not because Natural Born Killers told them to. (1) (2)
John Ricketts - Can't find anything to suggest it was because of the movie that he attacked that woman, just that he was dressed as a droog. (1)
James Holmes - He did not commit the crimes because he watched The Dark Knight. That movie was entirely a coincidence; he only picked it because he knew that movie would be full. He wanted to kill as many people as possible. If the movie of the week had been Happy Feet, he'd still have done it. (1) (2)
John Hinckley Jr. was obsessed with Jodie Foster, not Taxi Driver, and only shot at Ronald Reagan because he thought it'd get her attention. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and was institutionalized. If it wasn't Jodie Foster or Ronald Reagan, it'd have been something/someone else. (As an aside, did you know he has a Youtube Channel?) (1) (2)
Mark David Chapman - He claimed his father was abusive towards his mother, and unloving towards him, and began fantasizing about having God-like power over a group of imaginary people. At 14 he was using drugs. He later suffered from suicidal thoughts, then was admitted to a hospital for clinical depression. He began drinking heavily to cope. His problems with John Lennon were of a religious and political nature. Did he relate to Holden Caulfield? Probably. Is The Catcher in the Rye to blame for John Lennon's murder? No. (1) (2) (3) (4)
Daniel Gill and Robert Fuller - Two barely teenagers who not only shouldn't have been watching Scream without being told that what they see on TV should not be replicated, but also should not have been connected to a drug dealer, been doing drugs, or have access to knives. (1) (2)
Mario Padilla - He killed his mother, and according to him, it was because he was frustrated about his "lack of freedom", as his parents did not let him go out anywhere. There were deep-seeded issues there before Scream even came into the equation, I'm sure. (1)
Robert Thompson and Jon Venables - There's no evidence to suggest the murder of James Bulger had anything to do with Child's Play. That is a theory that police have said has no actual bearing on the case. (1) (2) (3)
Bernadette McNeilly, Anthony Dudson, Glyn Powell, and Jeffrey Leigh - The only connection from the crime to Child's Play is the song they played before torturing her. Granted, they also sang Disco Inferno but The Trammps while burning her to death, but I don't think The Trammps are at fault, either. (1) (2) (3)
Jeffrey Lyne Cox - Was in the psychiatric ward for suicidal urges when he read Rage. Again, underlying issues, Rage was just the vehicle. (1)
Dustin L. Pierce - Didn't actually kill anyone, but held 11 hostage in a classroom. He didn't wanna hurt anyone, and just wanted to talk to his dad, who he'd never talked to. He was angry at his parents. The only connection he had to Rage was that the book was found in his room. (1)
Barry Loukaitis - Was relentlessly bullied, was allowed to watch violent movies and read violent books, had access to THREE separate guns, knew how to shoot, and according to a psychiatrist, was in a "psychotic delusion" for seven days leading up to the shooting. (1)
Michael Carneal - Had anxiety, depressions, and severe paranoia, and was later diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder and dysthymia, then changed to schizophrenia. In his locker was Rage, but again, there's no proof that's what set him off, and considering his mental health issues... (1) (2) (3)
Daniel Sterling - Said he believed in vampires, and said while the movie influenced him, he cannot blame the movie. In my opinion, he was probably a time bomb, and that's what set it off. (1) (2)
Nathaniel White - Previously in jail for robbery, then after murdering a 29 year old woman, he was arrested again for abducting a 16 year old girl at knifepoint, and was accused of child abuse by social services about a month before the last 5 slayings. He also enjoyed the attention he got from the press, so chances are he wanted something to make him "stand out", and make a name for himself, so he became "the RoboCop 2 killer". (1) (2)
The link is not about clownfish, but rather about kids flushing their fish because they watched Finding Nemo. Luckily, there's a very simple solution to this! Don't buy your kids fish they're not gonna take care of, don't leave them unsupervised with the fish, and teach them why movies aren't real. This is another issue of a lack of parenting, and not Finding Nemo's fault.
This is a much deeper issue than just surface level "fiction affects reality". We're getting into parents buying kids pets they won't take care of/wild caught fish bad/market demand/fish not being seen as pets discourse. The problem, however, still lies with people, and wanting "cool fish" or whatever to decorate their aquariums, because that's the root cause of it. They were capturing Clownfish long before the movie, and while Finding Nemo did increase the amount of Clownfish captured, it is not the sole reason. (As a positive, Australian scientists have set up captive breeding programs for these lil guys!)
Teach. Your. Kids. Not. To. Kiss. Frogs. This is not fiction affecting reality, this is parents not parenting their kids. Moving on.
(Separating this section because the OG did. I don't know why they did, though, because it's all more of the same.)
Copycat crimes are not an example of fiction affecting reality. It is an example of people being attention/money hungry, or of people who'd already planned to kill, and are just trying to blend in with another killer (Jack the Ripper, the Zodiac Killer, the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs, for example). In fact, most copycat crimes are based off real crimes; stuff in the news, not in fiction.I doubt anyone would say Breaking Bad should be banned, or shouldn't "glorify drugs" just because some people have killed or bought drugs based on them seeing it on there.
I could go into the fact that the perpetrator was a drug abuser, snorted "enough cocaine to put most people into a coma over a three-day period", consumed copious amounts of alcohol, and claimed he had "always had dark fantasies", but I don't need to do all that, because the case itself has nothing to do with American Psycho, and is not a copycat crime.There is, quite literally, no connection to American Psycho, other than a lot of the details of the case coincidentally line up to that of the movie. There is no evidence that he had even watched/read American Psycho prior to committing the murders. He just happened to be a investment banker, have a luxury apartment, and hired sex workers. Correlation ≠ causation.
Copycat killer. Had some mental health issues, had self-harmed, and claimed to be hearing voices. The defence used the "he got it from Dexter" argument to try and lessen his culpability of the crimes. So. Do with that what you will.
If you read the article, one of the perpetrators had been recording the attack, and another said she "wanted to distribute the filming on the net". It was for fame.Not that that matters, of course, because this also has nothing to do with A Clockwork Orange. That was a "cute" nickname used by news media to easily get across the nature of the crime in a catchy headline, that's it.
Kyle Shaw, already covered above.
Did he maybe get some ideas for torture from Saw VI? It's possible. Was that, in any way, the motive for the killing? No. The motive was that he wanted money to buy drugs. I also highly doubt Saw VI had any impact on him stabbing another inmate 3 years later, or a guard 8 years later.Aside from all that, Saw VI doesn't include any stabbing scenes, and certainly no spinal cord-related torture scenes. Not a copycat crime, just a guy who happened to be watching a movie before committing a crime.
Thierry Jaradin, already covered above.
Again, that's just a "cute" nickname news media decided to use. The only thing they have to do with Twilight is that they watched it after the murder. The actual motive was that the girl resented her mother and disliked her sister, and because both of them were suicidal and probably didn't care what happened to themselves, decided to murder.
Andrew Conley, already covered above.
Mark Twitchell, already covered above.
If you read just the little synopsis on the Wikipedia page, you'll see they were both found not guilty by mental disease or defect and committed to mental health institutions.
Geyser had lifelong visual and auditory hallucinations, and was sexually assaulted by her father, who also suffered from the same mental illness.
As for Weier, there's not much info on her early life. However, psychologists testified that she suffered from persistent depression and a delusional disorder linked to schizotypy, a diminsed ability to separate reality from fantasy.
(Copy/pasting this from my other Carrd because I can't be bothered repeating myself)
Jaws did not create a fear of sharks. Jaws capitalized on the fear of sharks. The movie was made after shark attacks had already happened. It didn't cause anyone who didn't already want to hunt sharks to hunt sharks.
Furthermore, the ACTUAL paper that coined the term "Jaws Effect"' (Neff, 2015) doesn't use it in a "fiction affects reality" way, it's used in a "politicians will use anything to justify their positions" way (in this case, Australian politicians used Jaws to debate policies on how to deal with deadly shark attacks off the coast). It just refers to politicians referencing pop culture.
Robert Thompson and John Venables - already covered above.
Bernadette McNeilly, Anthony Dudson, Glyn Powell, and Jeffrey Leigh - already covered above.
Martin Bryant - described as being "aggressive and disruptive" during his childhood, killed and tortured animals, tormented his younger sister, shot at birds for fun, set himself on fire at the age of 12, and when asked if he'd do it again, he said he would. Keep in mind, he was born in 1967, and the first Child's Play movie didn't come out until 1988. He was disturbed long before seeing that movie. (1)
The Edlington Boys - Again, there were several more issues here than just those kids watching a horror movie. For one, the kids were well known to both police and social services after other violent incidents, and for two, they had inconsistent parenting (they were in the foster system, but before that, their mother was high all the time, and their father became an alcoholic), and their main role models were their teen brothers, one of which mugged an old lady. They were troubled, and the local social services failed them. Nothing to do with a movie. (1) (2)
Elena Lobacheva, Pavel Voitov, Artur "Narcis" Narcissov, Maxim "Zakirka" Pavlov, & Vladislav "Persik" Karataev (The Cleaners) - Their motives had nothing to do with Child's Play. Lobacheva did have tattoos of the Bride of Chucky, and said she was "influenced" by the movies, but I don't recall Tiffany and Chucky meeting in far-right groups and wanting to "clean the city" by killing off alcoholics and homeless people, like The Cleaners did. They thought they were above everyone else. (1) (2) (3) (4)
Super surface-level info here. In my opinion, this sounds like both of them watched the movie, both wanted to re-enact scenes from the movie in the bedroom, and he took it too far. He could have easily just watched porn, or any movie and decided to re-enact it, and it'd still not be the fault of the content, it'd still be his fault. Ultimately, it's a he-said-she-said situation, and there's not enough info. I will also quickly mention that the charges were dismissed. (1) (2)
Can't find much about this, but again, I'd bet a year's wages he'd have still molested those girls, even without that plot from a manga he read. That was just the vehicle he used to commit the crime, but the crime was gonna happen regardless.Also. It says he carried out as many as 20 similar attacks in the three years before his arrest. If I'm reading this correctly, the radioactivity thing was new, something he'd only recently seen in a manga and used to hurt these girls, and the other 20 attacks were not associated with that manga. If that's the case, then I'm right.
My concern here is the final paragraph - "Police would not say specifically how they knew that the teens crimes were motivated by Grand Theft Auto, and not by some other motive. They said they discovered it during their investigation." I don't even know if it IS related to GTA IV, and I can't find much about this one, either, so... I can't tell you whether or not there was any follow-up. The Sargent is the only one to have mentioned GTA IV.
Evan Ramsey grew up with his father in prison and his mother drinking heavily. He was later put in foster care, was separated from his older brother, and lived in eleven different foster homes. They were also allegedly abused by several foster parents. He suffered from depression and attempted suicide at the age of 10. He was also bullied in school. He said he knew how to kill people from Doom, in the sense he knew it would take a few shots, but he did not get that idea from Doom. The OG link is from 2007, but the first link below is from 2017, where he clearly says he's not blaming video games, or rock music, or whatever, but that he was rage-fueled.
Jeffrey Lyne Cox - already covered above.
But it bears repeating: Rage by Stephen King did not inspire anyone to kill anyone. It might've given ideas to those that already had the want, but it didn't turn anyone into a mass shooter. Stephen King's response to pull the book does not mean he (or Rage itself) was responsible for those shootings in any way,
Ugh. This doesn't even link to a specific case, but to the Wikipedia page for copycat crimes.
The first is just about blue meth. Chances are, they were making it PRIOR to seeing the show, and thought it'd be fun to make it blue.
The second is a guy who may have seen the idea to dispose of bodies via sulfuric acid. He still strangled his girlfriend, though, which I'm pretty sure neither Walter nor Jesse did.
Third guy had cancer, was desperate, and needed money for surgery. He may have gotten some ideas from Breaking Bad, but the desperation was there first.
Fourth guy just wanted to buy drugs off the dark net, and recently heard of ricin while watching Breaking Bad.
I actually won't get over myself, because there are links in the post you could've linked to! This is lazy, and frankly, frustrating because the links are broken! But we persist.The first link (1) is referring to ACTUAL CSEM/CSAM by the way, with the specific verbiage used being, "We define child pornography as visual depictions of children with their genital or anal areas uncovered or of children in sexual situations, consistent with the statutory definitions of Canadian and American legislation (Sec 163.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada and the American Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996). For example, the Canadian Criminal Code defines child pornography as a visual representation that shows a "person who is or is depicted as being under the age of eighteen years and is engaged in or is depicted as engaged in explicit sexual activity" or displays "for a sexual purpose, of a sexual organ or the anal region of a person under the age of eighteen years" (Sec 163.1, R.S. 1985,c. C-46)." This is clearly about REAL children.I cannot get access to the second link.The third link posits that thinking about something over and over will create neural pathways in your brain, and rearranges your brain. The Tumblr post, however, takes this to mean that if you look at lolicon, for example, you will become attracted to REAL kids. For that to be the case, though, the lolis would have to be indistinguishable from a real child, and at that point we've wrapped right back around to CSEM/CSAM. The only neural pathways being created by someone watching lolicon is that they might continue to enjoy lolicon and cartoon porn in general.This also gets into the issue of, will someone with OCD, with repeated bad thoughts become a bad person and do those bad things just because they've formed that pathway in their brain? It's the same difference.
He'd been thinking about this stuff from a very young age, with his awakening being seeing Princess Leia in chains. That is the only connection to fiction with this guy. He's a rapist, why are we trying to give him excuses?
Oh yay. Another list.
The Foundation novels - Aum Shinrikyo referenced the novels, but they were not the catalyst, nor were they the sole reason for the cult. Shoko Asahara was obsessed with prophecies, and the Foundation series just happened to include that. Aum Shinrikyo was more based on the idea of rebuilding civilization, apparently by any means.
Jack Sheppard - Courvoisier changed his confession several times. That's the only thing I can really find about this since it was in 1840. So who knows if he even actually read it, or just lied. (1) (2)
The Secret Agent - Ted Kaczynski had a whole host of other reasons for doing what he did. Don't even.
Stranger in a Strange Land - The link itself says Charles Manson denied even read it.
The Catcher in the Rye - Mark David Chapman. Already covered above.
"Arguing that fiction doesn't affect reality is racist"
Have you considered part of the issue is the lack of parental reassurance? And maybe watching too much TV/Youtube/whatever is going to be bad for anyone's self esteem? (Also 400 is a relatively small sample size)
Racism existed before television and movies. Unironically, the countless wars the west has had with Asia probably hurt Asian Americans more than any cartoon/show/movie has.
Yet again, you're putting the cart before the horse. Racism and stereotypes existed long before this. Is it a good thing? No. But it's also not caused by fiction.
I'm repeating myself. Same as above. The racist/stereotypical fiction is a consequence of racism/stereotypes, not the other way around.
Already covered this in the 'General Impacts of Fiction' section.
Reporting Resources
These are all great resources, don't get me wrong. However, the issue is, you're encouraging people to report things based on the entire rest of the Carrd.
ONLY report if there is a REAL CHILD (meaning both actual child, and indistinguishable representations of a child) being harmed.
I'll add a few links of my own, and include the other ones, in case someone does genuinely come across illicit material.
North America
South America
Australia & New Zealand
I have no idea why terms like 'MAP', 'NOMAP', or 'AAM' are included in the OG Carrd because they have so, so very little to do with the topic at hand, so! I'm omitting those!
Proshipper - Someone who is anti-harassment, and pro-ship (meaning ship-and-let-ship). Another term for a proshipper is "anti-anti".
Anti - Someone who is anti-everything above.
Fanpol - Fandom police. Someone who is trying to police fandom.
CSEM/CSAM - Child sexual exploitation/abuse material. Please use these instead of "CP".
Do let me know if there are any other words I should add here!!